Lemon Cake Pre-Installed Game

You’ll be able to mix ingredients together to prepare all kinds of recipes, including baked pastries, candies and frozen desserts! Once the kitchen is rebuilt, you’ll be able to bake up to three pastries at the same time… But don’t forget your pastries in the oven for too long, or else they might start burning!! Be sure to serve your customers quickly and keep your window display well stocked so you don’t miss out on any order! Serve coffee to impatient customers to keep them around the bakery a bit longer… And build an adorable cat cafe to make everyone’s day brighter! As you gain experience, you’ll be able to expand your recipe book and prepare new desserts! There are over 40 pastries to make in the game, such as cookies, donuts, cakes and candies. You’ll be able to select up to six recipes to include in your daily menu every day. Get bonuses and avoid penalties by crafting a balanced menu for your customers!  

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