Cannon Jump Free Download

Don’t forget to bring your cannon! Shoot down and jump up, it will help you,” said the old pirate. I left the tavern determined to find the mysterious island. Legend has it that countless treasures are kept up there. In this game, you have to jump and climb up using the classic “rocket jump” technique. But it will not be easy, it will take many attempts, there will be many falls. The map of the old pirate says that unthinkable treasures await you from above. “In shooter games, rocket jumping is the technique of using the knockback of an explosive weapon, most often a rocket launcher, to launch the shooter into the air. The aim of this technique is to reach heights and distances that standard character movement cannot achieve. Although the origin of rocket jumping is unclear, its usage was popularized by Quake.”

Cannon Jump Pre-installed Game Download

I have 3 main big complaints that make this unenjoyable for me. 1 – Can’t change the FOV, the default is way to low, it feels much lower than 90 which is somewhat nauseating. 2 – Why is there a sprint button with no option to toggle on “always run”? The movement speed is so slow without running and releasing run while mid air removes all your horizontal velocity for some reason. 3 – The cannon physics are so basic to the point of having 0 finesse. No matter where you shoot you only ever gain vertical velocity. It’s impossible to boost yourself sideways off a wall like any other game with rocket jumping. There doesn’t seem like there’d ever be a situation you’d want to shoot anywhere other than straight down at your feet.

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